Monat: August 2018

Ihr Partner für maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und effiziente Fertigung

When does additive manufacturing pay off?

Additive manufacturing, especially metallic 3D printing, is currently talked about everywhere. But what needs to be taken into consideration to implement such a project? Regarding this topic, the colleagues of “konstruktions praxis” have written a beautiful article. Said article deals with the advantages, problems, and implementation of the project. A report that is truly very…

FLEX goes automotive

Due to the excellent work of our Sales & Distribution department, we were able – within the shortest amount of time – to establish an interesting network within the automotive segment. Promising initial meetings illustrate the benefit of such a cooperation. Prototype or small series procurement, surface finishing, or straight-forward consulting regarding the implementability of…

FLEX moves into new home

As of early July, we – FLEX prototyping GmbH i. Gr. – moved into our new home. From now on, we are providing our customers right from the heart of Paderborn (Germany) with everything regarding the topic of prototyping. Since 02.07.2018, we have been operating worldwide from our headquarters at Imadstraße 8. Located in the…

KI im Einkauf

Wie sieht der Einkauf der Zukunft aus? Was sind Chancen, wo liegen Probleme? Künstliche Intelligenz umgibt uns schon jetzt in allen Bereichen unseres Lebens, doch wie kann Sie dem Einkauf eines Unternehmens weiterhelfen? Das Portal Technik+Einkauf hat hierzu ein bemerkenswertes und sehr aufschlussreiches Interview mit DSAG-Vorstand Otto Schell und SAP Ariba Chief Digital Officer Dr.…